Urban Cine / NiSi ATHENA PRIME Lens Event (Wrap Up)

It was a big week for Urban Cine running an event showcasing NiSi’s brand new Athena Cine Full-Frame Lenses – 14/25/35/50/85mm.

It was an interactive event where Adelaide Cinematographers brought along their own cameras & chose the lens/es of choice to test.

We also pimped out 5 cameras (Arri, Sony & Canon) to give everybody a chance to touch & feel these great cine lenses.

Big thanks to NiSi for giving Urban Cine the opportunity to run such an event in Adelaide. It was a lot of work, but great fun! Thank you Stepney Studios for allowing us to use their space, Mahala Hall for a bunch of cool artwork, & Louie's Deli for the yummy food! Then of course there’s Katrina & Charlie for putting in the hours & coming up with ideas. Urban Cine is not just Pete Hall.

View the Facebook post to see some fun pics!

For the people that attended we hope you enjoyed it!

ask pete