Full day rate: $45.00
Total including 5% insurance & 10% GST : $51.98
Achieve complex & bold lighting effects with the Nanlite PJ-BM Bowens Mount Projector with 19° Lens using lights that have a Bowens mount, such as the FS Series & larger Forza monolights, & a vast number of lights from other manufacturers. The PJ-BM dramatically increases the output of the attached light. For example, the Forza 500 is over 964% brighter when the 19° lens is used. The PJ-BM attachment provides an array of highly creative light-shaping tools: a focusable lens, internal shutters, gel inserts, gobos, & a separately available adjustable iris. The versatile abilities you gain for creating shapes, patterns, & shafts of light are unmatched.
Vast Compatibility, Ultimate Creativity
The Nanlite PJ-BM takes full advantage of the wide compatibility provided by the popular Bowens mount. It can be used with an enormous number of lights from other manufacturers, as well as the Forza 200, 300, 300B, 500, & the FS-150, FS-200, & FS-300. It adds an exciting array of creative light-shaping tools such as internal shutters, a focusable lens, gel inserts, gobos, & a separately available adjustable iris. Plus, it features a full yoke with a single-sided locking mechanism for easier adjustability.
Links & Downloads:
For a trouble free experience please follow these steps.
Step 1:Explore the options then add your gear to the Camera Bag. If what you’re after is not listed please add it in comments or simply Contact Us.
Step 2:View your Camera Bag & select the date & duration of the hire including the desired collection time.
Step 3:Once you're done review your Camera Bag & add any special requirements in the Message field. Urban Cine will follow up with questions &/or answer your questions.
Step 4:Submit to request a quote. You'll receive a copy. Urban Cine will send you a formal quote if required.
Step 5:Pick Up & Return: Typically after 2:00pm the day before the hire, & by 11:00am the day after the hire. Picking up the day before gives you the opportunity to familiarise yourself with the equipment & check that everything is in order before your shoot the next day.
Step 6:Payment: For new customers payment is required prior or on collection. If you have a history with Urban Cine a credit account may be offered.
Step 7:Insurance & ID: To ensure insurance for hired equipment is valid Urban Cine Pty. Ltd. asks you to verify your identity. By doing so you are supplying the required 100 points of ID. This will protect both you the Hirer & Urban Cine Pty. Ltd. You will receive a text message. Just follow the prompts. For more info see OCR Labs IDKit
Step 8:Using Equipment: It’s fair & reasonable to expect the hirer has the skillset to use equipment in a respectful & professional manner.
Step 9:Report Issues: Please report equipment failures & breakages. Feedback is important. If you’re experiencing issues with equipment on set please call us asap. Often issues can be rectified over the phone.